Apr-Jun 2024_cover page jpg
Power and money exert control in all spheres, and healthcare is no exception. This issue has authors showing how the…
Research Articles
A quantitative analysis of publication trends in Iranian medical ethics…
Power, policy, and transgender identities: A case study of gatekeeping…
The impact of Covid-19 pandemic on the research portfolio and…
Online First
Group Antenatal Care (G-ANC): A way forward to improve Afghanistan’s utilisation of maternity care

In Afghanistan, maternal mortality and infant mortality — two key indicators of population health — are among the highest in the developing world, partly because of nearly a half-century of conflict and persistent socioeconomic instability [1]. The latest data in 2...

Ethical issues and proposed solutions in conducting practical assessment of medical students involving patients

Practical assessment involving patients plays a vital role in medical education, allowing students to demonstrate their clinical competencies. However, there are significant ethical concerns associated with these assessments that require careful consideration and r...

Submissions to IJME will be on the editorial management system (OJS) from May 15, 2024

IJME is shifting its submission process to an editorial management system — Open Journal Systems (OJS) — from May 15, 2024.

All authors are requested to register and submit their manuscripts through the OJS from May 15.

Gender awareness among the undergraduate medical students: A cross sectional study from Hyderabad, India

Background: Physician trainees need to have robust gender awareness for better professional relationships and patient outcomes. A cross-sectional study was conducted among undergraduate (UG) medical students (MBBS) of a medical college in Hyderabad, India, in Novem...

I’d like to die only once
So, what if I smell, speak and look different,

So, what if I am drugged and obtunded?

I can still sense

My emotions are not blunted.

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