
More to explore

A clay sculpture of a robed angel.

Bernini’s Model Masterpieces at the Harvard Art Museums

Thirteen sculptures from Gian Lorenzo Bernini at Harvard Art Museums.

Illustration of a bedridden patient having chunks of the bed removed

Private Equity in Medicine and the Quality of Care

Hundreds of U.S. hospitals are owned by private equity firms—does monetizing medicine affect the quality of care?

Harvard police officer Steven Fumicello poses with black Labrador retriever Sasha.

Sasha the Harvard Police Dog

Sasha, the police dog of Harvard University

A colorful, cubist-like illustration of a Harvard classroom with a robotic humanoid head looming above.

How is Artificial Intelligence Being Taught at Harvard?

A new Harvard course on artificial intelligence teaches students how to use the tool responsibly.


Harvard in the headlines

Harvard Magazine sorts through news and commentary in other media and shares diverse views with you. Learn more.

The Wall Street Journal | 5.30.2024

The Wall Street Journal | 5.30.2024

Knight First Amendment Institute at Columbia University | 4.3.2024

The New York Times | 3.6.2024

The New York Times | 5.26.2024

Harvard in the headlines

Harvard Magazine sorts through news and commentary in other media and shares diverse views with you. Learn more.

The Wall Street Journal | 5.30.2024

The Wall Street Journal | 5.30.2024

Knight First Amendment Institute at Columbia University | 4.3.2024

Harvard in the headlines

Harvard Magazine sorts through news and commentary in other media and shares diverse views with you. Learn more.

The Wall Street Journal | 5.30.2024

The Wall Street Journal | 5.30.2024

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